Thursday, December 28, 2017

How to find the best post-holiday bargains

Many retailers offer great sales before the holiday season in attempts to entice you to come into their doors, especially with the Thanksgiving creep. Did you know that often the best bargains are found just after the holiday season? Post-Christmas shopping has quickly evolved into one of the most popular shopping days of the year. The day after Christmas has long been known as "Boxing Day" in many countries. In the United States, there is not a specific name, but it also is a busy retail day.

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Will mobile eventually replace cash?

Mobile has been steadily rising in use and has changed the dynamics of how people communicate and do business. Already, the movement towards mobile has transformed how society across the globe operates, and it is now being kicked up a level. As smartphones now dominate, trends have shifted once again.

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

5 tips to protect yourself and avoid telephone scams

Image credit:  Pixabay
Internet fraud has grown significantly over the years. Yet, despite technology, good 'ol telephone scams are still widely occurring. Charming scammers may masquerade as a bank rep, a government employee, a charity rep, or any other type of commercial business. For instance, consider the widely spread jury duty and IRS phone scams.

All of these scams usually relate in some way to commit financial fraud, either through direct monetary theft or identity theft. It is a good idea to know how to avoid telephone scams.

Sunday, December 10, 2017

How to save money on holiday shopping

The holidays have a tendency to creep up before you know it, here we are already at the end of November. Suddenly, the race is on to prepare for this year's festivities. While it's a wonderful time of the year, it can also drain your bank account or run up your credit.

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

How to stop wasting money and build your savings

Image credit: Pixabay
Does your savings account balance have you down? With today's low-interest rates it is probably a bit depressing to realize your savings aren't growing as much as you'd hoped they would when you opened the account.

Even worse, if you discover your balance is actually decreasing. If you want to figure out ways to save money, but perhaps aren't sure where to start, the best place to begin is to stop and take a closer look at where you are spending your cash.

Start by taking a look at your spending habits. It's amazing how much money is unknowingly wasted through daily routines. Did you know making just a few adjustments in your home, personal, and living expenses can bring significant results?