Tuesday, October 24, 2017

How to evaluate your financial situation honestly

Image credit: Pixabay
Money problems are not an easy problem to face. When economic times are tough and money doesn't stretch as much as you'd like or think it should, it can get pretty stressful. However, if money issues do arise, it's time to sit down and evaluate your personal financial health.

The reason you need to do this is because you don't want your financial situation to ultimately end in one that leaves your finances in complete ruin. If you sit down and find your expenses are routinely exceeding your income, this is going to eventually lead to big-time debt. Don't let it get this far.

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Car rip-offs: Maintenance you don't need

Image credit: Pixabay
Manufacturers always recommend routine maintenance on the cars they sell. Good maintenance on a car keeps an engine and other components running nicely and helps retain the optimum lifetime value of the vehicle. There are, however, many processes often recommended by dealers and mechanics which aren't really a part of routine maintenance at all.

There are a number of so-called maintenance procedures that are not routinely necessary to keep your car running, but are often suggested and presented to customers as being something they need to have done. Here is a brief overview of some car rip-offs to avoid:

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Don't become a victim: Tips to reduce the risk of cybercrime

Image credit: Pixabay
As part of an average day, millions of people log onto the Internet for shopping, banking, and social media. These days it is important to take preventative measures to protect yourself and business networking. They apply to jobs, research genealogy, find old friends, download music, take a course, you name it. Unfortunately, along with these benefits comes increased risks of becoming a victim of cybercrime.

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Why living debt-free is not impossible

Image credit: Pixabay
Most people have a true desire to save money, but because we live in a society where savings is easier said than done, it can be a challenge. Society thrives on the ability to receive instant gratification, this has been heightened by the increased use of technology.

Long gone are the days of waiting to have to save until enough money has been accumulated to buy a big purchase. If a person impulsively wants to buy, all he or she needs to do is whip out a credit card and buy the item(s).